Setup Mailgun
You’ll need to be able to send emails with Mailgun. This is done using an API key assigned by Mailgun. In this article, we’ll show you how to obtain your Mailgun API key.
Last updated
You’ll need to be able to send emails with Mailgun. This is done using an API key assigned by Mailgun. In this article, we’ll show you how to obtain your Mailgun API key.
Last updated
Log into your Mailgun account.
Add and Verify your domain
Then go to your Account API Keys page.
Under API Keys, locate the Private API Key field. Click on the eye icon to the right of the field to display your API key, and copy it.
Note: this is needed for SignUp new Users with email, Password recovery for users registered with email and Welcome emails. if you will use only Social Logins (Facebook, Google and Apple login), you can ignore this step
Make sure that at the end of this progress, you have saved for later use:
Domain or subdomain verified